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Kalamazoo Team

Get to know us better

Aureliano Agostinho Dias Meirelles

Food Engineer - UFPA 2013

MSc. Food Engineering  - UNICAMP 2016

Dr. Food Engineering - UNICAMP 2020

Deepening in hops - ESCM 2020/2021

Advanced in brewing technology - ICB 2020/2021

Understanding the demands and trends in the hop market for craft beer in Brazil.

  • LinkedIn - Círculo Branco
  • Instagram - White Circle
Sócio Fundador Aureliano Meirelles

Francisco Manuel Barrales

Food Engineer – Santiago Del Estero/Argentina 2013

MSc. Food Engineering  - UNICAMP 2015

Dr. Food Engineering - UNICAMP 2021

Experience in extraction and fractionation with pressurized fluids and bioproduct analysis.

Knowledge in economic evaluation of food factory projects.

  • LinkedIn - Círculo Branco
  • Instagram - White Circle
Sócio Manuel Barrales

Juliane Viganó

Food Engineer - UDESC
MSc. Food Science and Engineering - UNESP
Dr. Food Engineering - UNICAMP
Postdoctoral - UNICAMP and Hamburg University of Technology
Professor - UFT (2012-2013) and UNIFESP (2019-2021)
Postdoctoral - UNICAMP - current
Specialist in extraction and fractionation processes. Experience in technology transfer from university to startups.

Duan Ceola

Chemistry degreee - UDESC
Master's Student - Applied Chemistry - UDESC

Beer Sommelier - Doemens Akademie (Germany) / ESCM (Blumenau/SC/Brazil)
Coordinator, professor, and laboratory technician - ESCM

Technical consultant for importing brewing inputs - Prime International
Consultant for breweries - factory optimization, preparation and adjustment of recipes, laboratory project development.

Juliane Viganó

Duan Ceola

Arthur Baião

Food Engineer  - Federal University of Tocantins (UFT)

Master's Student in Food Engineering - UNICAMP.

Researcher in the field of reuse of agro-industrial residues and extraction of compounds with bioactive potential, applying high pressure and ultrasound technologies. 

Amanda Oliveira

Engenheira de Alimentos  - Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT)

Mestra e Doutoranda em Engenharia de Alimentos - Unicamp.

Pesquisadora na área de reaproveitamento de resíduos agroindustriais e extração de compostos com potencial bioativo aplicando tecnologias de alta pressão e ultrassom. 

Amanda Mellissa Bezerra Oliveira 

Amanda Mellissa Bezerra Oliveira 

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